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The Community Where You Belong

Tired of the endless scrolling, constant complaining, and censorship that plagues traditional social media platforms? Are you fed up with the noise and the constant fear of being silenced? Look no further!

Our community is a refreshing alternative, built on the principles of respect, openness, and genuine conversation.

Unlike other platforms, we don't prioritize algorithms or profit over people. Our community is a space where you can share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences without fear of judgment or censorship. You'll find individuals who value constructive dialogue and are eager to learn from each other.


It's a place for purposeful, meaningful discussions, free from the distractions and noise of the internet. A space where you can share your passions, ask questions, and receive thoughtful responses. A community where you can grow, learn, and connect with others who share your values.

Join us and experience the difference for yourself. Leave the noise behind and discover a community that values respect, openness, and genuine human connection.

Why wait? Join the conversation and take your online community experience to the next level!

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Community Rooms

Participate in meaningful conversations that allow respectful, supportive and inspiring freedom of speech without censorship or ads.

Membership Courses

MEMBERS can enroll in discounted courses and are always the first to know when new courses are launched. From self-care to transformation, there's something for you.

Special Events

MEMBERS have access to LIVE forums, 'Ask Me Anything,' guided meditations, and other special offerings and events.

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MEMBERS get discounts on products, courses and events. Become an Ambassador and get rewarded for being an active MEMBER of our community.

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Connect with healing professionals

1:1 mentoring with Debra Jones

Healing business consulting

Group masterminds

Business resources

VIP programs

Deb felt like a kindred spirit and was patient,

knowledgeable and an amazing teacher.

Keli Lever - 04/24

Debra is an awesome teacher! She is extremely knowledgeable and takes time to answer all your questions. I thoroughly enjoyed her course and highly recommend her courses and services that she thoughtfully provides to everyone! 😀

KJ - 03/24

No power struggle, no power-over moments, Debra is just a really genuine human who is exceptional at what she does, helping to acknowledge your gifts and talents, guide you towards reaching your full potential and living your most meaningful life.

Sacha Gendron - 08/23

There's no denying it now. I know what my natural strengths are, and I know what my limits are, and there's nothing to apologize for. As a matter of fact: You're welcome, if you're lucky enough to know me! I'm awesome, and I feel so powerful in knowing that.

Kristin Vetesse - 02/24

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