Self-Discovery Journey

Imagine a world where everyone's unique light shines brightly, where every day is a celebration of individuality!

Join me in envisioning a society where passion drives our goals, where each person's talents elevate us all, creating a community that glows more brilliantly as one.

Did You Know...

Your life is driven by a powerful mission that shapes who you are.

This guiding principle is key to your identity, directing your actions and giving you purpose, reflecting your true self.

I believe we all have the ability to fully tap into our talents and find satisfaction.

We are all valuable and by offering our unique skills to people around us, we not only affirm our own worth, but also find joy and support in the appreciation we receive.

Together, let's explore and cultivate your talents so you can live a life that truly sparkles with your potential. 💫

I'm an empowerment strategist and see possibilities where others can't.

Let me help you see them too. Why wait? Own YOUR sovereignty now!

I AM. Self-Discovery Journey

Life should be rewarding and fulfilling. We aim to do what we're good at and make money doing it, but we may deviate from our path if we don’t realize our specific, unique life mission.

Seeing is believing. If we make the invisible, visible, we can turn confusion into clarity and find our true calling.


What it is

It's my signature course - your transformational I AM. journey of self-discovery.

We start with three foundational pieces:

- Your HUMAN DESIGN to discover who you are designed to be

- Your CLIFTON STRENGTHS assessment to know your unique gifts and talents

- Your ASTROLOGY to determine the talents you are meant to share and what you have promised to contribute to society in this lifetime. This information alone can steer you in the right direction

Together, we'll embark on a journey to discover your unique cosmic blueprint. With guidance and support you'll unlock your full potential and shine your light for all to see!

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Why it works

During 5 sessions, plus homework and self-reflection, we UNCOVER YOUR LIFE PURPOSE – the facts about who you REALLY are. We can work around your availability but most prefer weekly or bi-weekly sessions, online or in-person. This information alone can steer you in the right direction.

If you decide to continue your exploration, book 5 more sessions to RELEASE BLOCKS & FIND YOUR POWER. During these sessions we’ll identify your fears and limiting beliefs, find a correlation between your pain and your purpose, and use energy healing to heal and release anything that no longer serves you.

From a place of authentic empowerment, we can then CREATE YOUR UNIQUE STRATEGY for success. You can book 5 more sessions where together we’ll define, create, and declare your value. You can expand into your true path with new tools of empowerment and learn how to stay grounded and aligned. You’ll have access to as much encouragement and support as you need. This is truly a life-changing path that you are SO ready for. 

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How to start

1.  Book 5 Uncover Your Life Purpose (I AM) sessions

You can pay as you go, or SAVE $50 when you purchase all 5.

In-person and Video sessions available.

2.  Order your Human Design from me

3.  Order your Clifton Strengths

Questions??  Let's chat.

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Explore Courses

I AM. Journey

Embark on a self-discovery journey that replaces confusion with clarity. Discover your unique cosmic blueprint to find your true calling. Unlock your full potential and shine your light!

The NEW Human

Transform your past experiences and challenges into valuable wisdom & empowerment for personal growth. Discover profound spiritual growth and awakening through transformative energetic transmissions, meditations, and sacred ceremonies.

Reiki Training

Restore and maintain your health, naturally. Stress reduction and relaxation at your fingertips. Awaken your body's natural healing ability. Earn extra income as a certified Reiki practitioner.

Chakra Healing

Discover the purpose of your Chakras. Get to know them and how you can use them to help you heal. Learn Chakra Balancing and Crystal Healing techniques for yourself and others

Axiatonal Re-Alignment

Assistance for 5D Ascension & The Great Awakening. Activate your lightbody. Reconnect to the Universal grid using sacred geometry. Expand your consciousness. Strengthen your connection to Source. Gain clarity of purpose.

Sacred Womb Blessing

Reactivate your feminine power. Heal wounds and traumas of the past. Restore the natural balance of your creative centre. Help heal Mother Earth.

The Awakened Empath

Learn to master your empathic sensitivities and discover energetic tools to help you sense, clear and protect your energy.


Engage with a new era of thought by co-creating the New World alongside inspirational thought leaders and visionaries. These collaborations offer a platform to share groundbreaking ideas, challenge conventional norms, and envision a sustainable and unified future.


Learn how people like you have been helped by Debra Jones.

The astrology deepened an understanding of the purpose of my past experiences, why I am experiencing my current reality, what skills I’ve been developing that can help me contribute to co-creating the world I desire to live in and be a part of, how I can live a meaningful life, what my exact skills, abilities, personality traits and roles I excel best in, what I am designed to be doing, and clarity on my purpose. SG

My session with Debra Jones was very accurate and powerful, confirming where I am at and where I need to focus to be the best I can be. PB

I enrolled in the I AM. course because I was feeling a sense of disempowerment by living my life for others. This course gave me an actual blueprint of ME. There's no denying it now. I know what my natural strengths are, and I know what my limits are, and there's nothing to apologize for. As a matter of fact: You're welcome, if you're lucky enough to know me! I'm awesome, and I feel so powerful in knowing that.

My soul thanks Debra for creating this package so that I may know my purpose in this lifetime. The most beautiful thing that happens when you learn about yourself is that you ultimately learn about others as well. You learn that we are all unique with gifts to share and everyone is on a pilgrimage to their soul's purpose. There are earthly angels among us, and Debra is one of them. KV

Get In Touch

Email: [email protected]

605151 River Road

Melancthon, ON, L9V 2V4, CA

About Us

Holistic Healing and Professional Development

605151 River Rd, Horning's Mills, ON L0N 1J0, Canada